Rode the megatren to school as usual. While I was walking along katipunan on the way to ateneo. Since I was a bit early, I went to mcdonalnds to eat. I ordered a Sausage Mcmuffin meal for take out but then I saw James so I just ate it in the store instead. I thought that I wouldn't be full just by eating one so I ordered another but I was wrong so I just brought it with me.
I had my english and lit. English was just discussion but lit was frustrating. We had a test and even If I read the novel and the lit book, I guess it wasnt enough oh well...
After that I met up with A and his friend. A visited the campus and was supposed to bring along a chinita friend, but then the chinita was not there wahahah daym! anywayz it was great seeing Aaron again hehe.
After that we had Physics. Well I read up a bit but it wasnt enough I guess. Damn I think my B midterm advisory grade will definitely drop.
Then went to the library and saw anne, I got another book by Juichiro Tanizaki called the Makioka Sisters but I wasnt really into it. I guess I liked Chiijin No AI better.
I then went to the cov courts to play some basketball. Kinda frustrating to play against someone who uses dirty tactics. I mean if even your teammates dont like the way you play anymore then something must be wrong. I guess that's what I get from playing puick up games haha. I get to play with various combinations of basketball players.
Since I got pretty banged up while playing I went to the benches to rest first. I saw Anne again and we chatted for a while until it was time for pe hehe. Damn Pe was great, we actually won a game in 2 sets hehe yeah! I guess I can say that I played pretty well :)
After Pe i went to the Speed Concert thingie. It was pretty ok except for the fact that Sugarfree played a whole lot of songs and Bamboo just got to play 2. Kinda frustrating that the School quite literally pulled the plug on the concert damn. But for twenty bucks i guess its a pretty ok deal.
During the concert I got a henna tatoo hehe here it is:
The characters are supposed to mean Ice
After that I was supposed to go home but I met some Block R people on the SPG near the CTC. I chatted with them and stayed there for about an hour or so before heading for home.
Anywayz that's it for today ahaha, I still need to study my filipino since I have a long test tomorrow wahaha daym.
Thought for the Day:
Sana'y Maulit Muli...
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