Sunday, May 30, 2004

May I please fall in love with you?...

I got the line from the korean show My funky family...

Im in a sentimental mood now. Probably because of that line and the song believe by Yuko Yamaguchi. Its such a great song and well the melody is quite nice to.

I have to thank Vea for giving me a very good laugh. She said somewhat of a stupid thing that really got me laughin my ass off. We were talking about anime's and then astroboy came up. Then suddenly Vea blurted, "nung una akala ko Girl si Astroboy" wahahaha damn that really cracked me up, haha it could be corny but the way that she said it really was a thing to laugh about.

Thought for the day:
May I please fall in love with you?...

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