Tuesday, September 21, 2004


Im a lil bit better now, I guess I just needed sleep hehe.

Normal day hehe, i actually arrived on time for math this time hehe. Was a bit more attentive than usual since I sat at the back hehehe. And now I know that the long test would be held on saturday oh welpz.

Went and signed up for try outs at the arpt. My sched would be on tuesday next week at 3-4. I think i have a very slim chance of making it but what the heck, ill still give it a shot, i might get lucky...

Then used the computer at the rizal foyer, it was lucky that I uploaded the journal entry so I was able to retrieve it in Ateneo and have it printed. After that I just checked some email and wasted a few more minutes of my time messaging people in ym hehe.

After that I went to the Colayco pav to read some comics. They have the beerkwatro (beerkada comicbook 4th) there so I borrowed it and read it for about 45 minutes hehe.

It was nearly 1:30 so I had to leave the comics and head for berch. The fil class was ok so we just discussed some stuff and then I headed for home.

When I was in the edsa walk I met Nikki, We chatted a bit and she offered to drive me to the overpass hehe. Damn I really want to drive my own car now wahaha.

I then made my outline for the english research paper. It wasn't that hard to do since Im quite used to doing that kind if things. I guess the hs stuff did help me hehe. After the research paper, I was supposed to study for physics but then I got too lazy. I decided that I'll just watch some tv first. I was liking the shows until i realized that it was 1am already. I thought that it was too late to study so I didnt read the book anymore. oh welpz, good luck to me hahaha

Currently Listening To:
Kuraki Mai - Always

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